Sunday 8 August 2010

Angels at Lichen

On Thursday, I went to the Basilica at Lichen. It was about an hour or so drive from Poznan. Of course, I slept in the car for most of the way!

The Basilica at Lichen is relatively new. Many people like old churches because of the history behind them. I just like the way they feel. Old or new it doesn't matter. I am looking for the peace inside that I cannot find anywhere else. I can get lost in the beauty and the music.

Inside you cannot fail to drink in it's beauty. The inside is protected by golden windows with sepia coloured glass. It gives the impression that the inside is very important. And it is.

Once inside my eyes search frantically, trying to take it in all at once. My eyes cannot scan quick enough, and so I resign myself to taking my time, in the knowledge that I will be able to see it all. Or perhaps, all that wants to be seen.

There are so many things that I want to ask about the place, but not having the relevant language skills to ask, I soak up the visual instead. This place is truly beautiful, and very expensive. It is about 10 years old, and it exquisite. Cathedral's usually take many decades to build and rely on donations before they can accomplish the almost divine. Westminster Cathedral in London for example has a dark ceiling because of the lack of golden mosaics. Time and money will provide them, but at the moment it looks bare. Unloved perhaps. Waiting for the time when someone will say, the time is now.

Some people may feel it shows a lack of love, and of respect to leave it like this. Other's feel that religion should give money where it is most needed, to the people. I'm not sure of the answer as yet, but I do know that when you love something or someone, you would want to languish the very best onto the bare skeleton to show your intense love for it. I believe that it is written on my heart to both torture me and enlighten me.

From within the basilica you can see all manner or paintings which are brought to life by the haunting music being played. The music is like water and runs everywhere. Even people who are sitting in prayer do not fail to be moved by the choreographed notes , and they breathe in the delicate musical fragrance.

It is then that I notice the angels. The angels which protect, and yet seem to follow me unrelentlessly through life. They are, ironically, playing music.

One by one, they call to me.
Each one as alluring as the next.

They play silent music that can only be heard in the silence. They play, I listen and my heart is stirred for a brief moment.

All I can do is watch, and for a brief moment, I am nowhere and I am everywhere.
My heart rests in their beauty.
It is what I need.

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